Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary

Just few more vocabulary :D

1. Word / Phrase: Obstetrics

Meaning: the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother

Context: Obstetrics is an important brance of medicine that helps pregnant women.

2. Word / Phrase: Sonogram

Meaning: a test one using sound waves which can show various internal structures. Sonograms are commonly used to examine unborn babies.

Context: Pregnant women can see their babies' situation through sonogram.

3. Word / Phrase: Encounter

Meaning: appointment paper

Context: I had to organized the encounter every day at my site.

4. Word / Phrase: OB

Meaning:stands for pregnant patients/lab

Context: The OB charts are separate from the normal patients'charts.

5. Word / Phrase: Gynecology

Meaning: the branch of medicine that deals with the disease and hygiene of women

Context: Women should do check-ups annualy in gynecology clinics.

6. Word / Phrase: Pap Smear

Meaning: A screening test to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample(smear) of cells from the cervix

Context: Pap Smear can help to detect cancer as soon as possible.

7. Word / Phrase: Charts

Meaning: patients'records

Context: I had to clip messages on patients' charts and give up to the doctors.

8. Word / Phrase: prospect

Meaning: possibility, chance

Context: I have to consider prospect of being a fool if I cannot complete my homework for the second consecutive week.

9. Word / Phrase: sluggish

Meaning: lazy, inactive

Context: Sometimes being sluggish isn't a bad thing to do.

10. Word / Phrase: winsome

Meaning: charming, happily engaging

Context: A winsome smile from my crush could made my day.

Final Reflection

Looking back to my older posts, my goals for internship were sort of simple--finish tasks on time and left a great impression to my mentor and co-workers. I think I met all of these goals even though I made mistakes at my site sometimes.

The most important thing I've learned through this internship is communication. Communication skill is essential when you're coming out to the real world and work with people that you didn't met before and don't know well. As a student and a young adult, I became more responsible after this internship experience.

Although I repeated the same internship routine every day, but I learned how to endure and spark up the dull tasks. The highlight list is too long for this 144 hours of internship, but I think the last day of my internship was the best. That day was actually my birthday, and my co-workers(I think I should call them friends now XD) bought me cupcakes and celebrated both my b-day and my last day in Spring Ob/Gyn. They gave me a lovely thank-you card and sang me the Happy-birthday song. And guess what, I bought the exact cup cakes from the same store, and I gave my mentor and the rest of the staffs thank-you cards as well. That was also one of the memorable moment!

There were several obstacles I faced during these 3 months. I was shy in the beginning and I'm not a super outgoing person. But after I got into the people and the environment, I became more confident. There are a few essential advices I want to give for a future intern:

-First, be on time and have a positive attitude is important in both school and working.
-Communicate with your co-workers since you're working with a group of people (you can earn work experiences from them)
-Ask people for help if you face any challenges
-Try your best to complete tasks (don't give up easily)
-Should have good judgment (don't do whatever people assigned you)

Of course, I will miss the ladies that I've been working with in these 3 months. They are so generous. I will remember all the ups and downs during this period! This internship experience is fulfilling. I learned a lot of things that I never know before.

By the way, here comes the good news. I asked for a summer job at my site, and guess what, they offered me one. XD

Week 11 - The Floorplan

Spring OB/GYN Floorplan. Since I am a float so I don't have a desk XP

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mentor Interview - Week 10

I realized I really have to catch up with the blog. I have no idea why I missed so much :( Mr. Sean, will I get a lower grade if I post this late??

I actually done this interview a while ago with my mentor Melody, and here it is.

1. What is your full name?

Melody Ma

2. Where are you from?

Brooklyn, NY

3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Do you plan to go back to school?

I am currently enrolled at NYU, entering my fourth and last year. I plan to eventually go to grad school after i start working full time.

4. What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and where?

I am a Nursing major and will graduate next year with a BSN. I wish to attend graduate school and get my masters when i figure out which area of nursing i want to specialize in.

5. Why did you choose your professional field?

I chose Nursing because I am interested in science and health care.

6. What got you involved in this field of work? What inspired you to do it?

Since i have had family members with chronic illnesses, i have been in the hospital a lot. All my experiences with the nurses have been positive. I like the idea of a job where you can help people feel better.

7. Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company?

I chose this job at Spring OB/GYN because it allows me to be in a learning atmosphere. I am interesting in women's health and maternal nursing. I am able to learn about common gynecological and obstetrical problems and common treatments. Although my position is clerical instead of clinical, i am able to ask questions and occasionally shadow the doctors. It is a nice office that is conveniently close by to my school.

8. How long have you worked here?

One year

9. What is your job title?

Administrative assistant

12. What is the best part of your job?

i like being able to shadow the doctors during procedures (ie.D&C, saline sono)

18. How has having an intern helped your company advance or progress?

Having an intern has been a great help for keeping the office running throughout the day. Tina has been great delivering messages to the doctors as well as helping to fax important lab results. She also helps patients when they request records. It is so important for these tasks to be done because it meets the needs of the patients (when they doctor is able to get their messages organized to call them back)

19. What advice would you five to high school-aged interns getting ready for college?

I would advise them to start checking out schools early and make sure the school can offer them everything they want (courses, good atmosphere)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Midpoint Reflection - Weeks 8/9

It's been more than half way through my internship now. It's much easier and less formal than what i expected. lol!!

I think that finish tasks and complete class/homeworks is one thing that similar about the culture of the schoo lenvironment and the workplace environment. Also, you want to look good in front of your mentor/boss and your teachers. But when you go to the real world, face different kind of people, you have to be more careful and clever. You have to use more of your ability of decision making in the workplace.

I had improved my communication and organize skill from my internship. I also learned many new things such as doing a referral that apply to the workplace. I had formed a bond with my mentor and co-workers through these days. This was actually the first time that I be with many grown ups for a long time. I had to used a different way to communicate with them(especially the doctors), and of course, I was trying hard to be professional as well.

In the first couple of days, I had troubles of communicating with my co-workers and get my tasks done. I was confused about the rooms in my workplace, and of course, people's names. I also filed the charts that I'm not suppose to file. But after a while, I learned from my mistakes, and as I know more about my workplace and be more comfortable with the co-workers, I am fine with my internship.

There were not much challenges that I faced in school as a result of the altered schedule, and it was actually pretty flexible. I did used up my 3 excuses, but that's fine. I will make up whatever hours that I missed.

I really want to left a great impression to my work site for the remaining weeks of internship. I will try my best to complete the tasks that I have to do.

From these months, I had learned that communication between people is very important, and that apply to working in the real world. I also experienced the working life in New York City!! :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 7-Second Vocab Assignment!!

o_O oopss.. Gotta make up the works!!

So here are the vocabs, but again,they are non-related to my internship.

1. Word / Phrase: cajole

Meaning: flatter, coax, persuade

Context: I hate people cajole me.

2. Word / Phrase: miffed

Meaning: offended; annoyed

Context: Calling a person 10 times was miffed.

3. Word / Phrase: ostracism

Meaning: exclusion; temporary banishment

Context: His ostracism was done when he apologized to his parents.

4. Word / Phrase: prank

Meaning:practical joke

Context:Pranks are not always funny, sometimes they're boring.

5. Word / Phrase:retract

Meaning: to take back or draw in

Context: I retracted my statement that the homework was "so easy".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 5 and Beyond - Weekly Vocabulary Assignments

I actually didn't learn any new vocabularies from my internship. But I did learn some argots.
There are special words or abbreivation my internship site are using. Such OB stands for observation patient which is the one that has lab to do. NP stands for new patient which there's no record for them(so I don't have to look for their charts). Oh, right, and charts!! Charts are the medical file for patients.

And here're some new SAT words that I had learned this week:

1. Word / Phrase: Daunting

Meaning: discouraging

Context: Getting a lower grade is both daunting and encouraging.

2. Word / Phrase: Congeal

Meaning: to become thick or solid, as a liquid freezing

Context: The gravy was congealed with my mash patato.

3. Word / Phrase: Decorous

Meaning: proper, well-behaved.

Context: Her dress is decorous for the concert.

4. Word / Phrase: ostracism

Meaning: exclusion, temporary banishment

Context: His ostracism from the dinner table last night was rescinded when he apologized for talking rudely to his parents.

5. Word / Phrase: procrastinate

Meaning: to put off doing work

Context: What I want to do now is to procrastinate my works.

Week Four: You're a third of the way there

Well, I feel like I'm answering these questions over and over again. But anyway, I have to complete them and I'm late to finish this blog.I was absent on last Wednesday so I didn't go to my internship.

Part 1

So once again, the name of my internship site Spring Ob/Gyn. It's a clinic for obterics and gynecology. Spring Ob/Gyn located in SOHO, it's a pretty cool and great place that makes me enegetic and want to go to my internship. Of course, there're lot of stores on the sidewalk and I did window-shopping a lot :P

I had done filing, faxing, submitting referals, medical records, calling for prescription and the patients.

I usually leave school after lunch at 11:45. It usually take me one hour from school to get to my internship (including waiting time). Sometimes I would arrived there at 12:45. I get off from my internship at 5 P.M. and if I'm lucky and catch the train, I arrive at home around 6--6:30. I work 3 days a week and 4 hours a day. My mentor Melody and her friend Emy are the two people that can sign my time card.

There weren't not such difference between the 4th and the 3rd week of internship. The only thing that's different was that I absent on Wednesday. So I used up one of my sick excuse.

Overall, I love my internship. Love the people that I'm working with; love the environment; love the neighborhood.
But I just don't think that I had learned a lot during the internship. Although I had learned some basic stuffs and the routine of the clinic, but I think I can learn more!

I had read many people's blog and most of them are my friends. Such as Kristina,Allison, Amy, Esin and Youtina. :0
And I had read some senior's internship blog as well!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 3--Life as a high school intern

This is the third week of internship. Everything goes almost the same every day.

Of course I want to do something more fun and learn more, but I think my worksite is sort of limited me. But that's fine, I'm leraning little by little.

I did do something different this week. The insurance company EMIS had requested patients' medical record. So I had to make plenty copies for each patient, then mail them. I did make mistakes :( I should make one copy for each, but I press the wrong button---to 50. So I had wasted many papers. Then I had to fix the order and pick the significant ones and put in the envelope then mail them.

I had learned that I have to pay attention to every details(even the micro ones) while I'm working from this mistake. I'll be more careful next time and check everything before I do it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 2-Getting better acquainted with my site

Well, I don't think I will forget what I had done in my internship because I repeat almost the same thing every day.

But I did do something new this week. One of my co-worker taught me how to do referrals in the internet. But I only did that once. There are few steps to submit a referral. So after she explained the procedures to me, I jotted them down on my journal. So if I have to it again in the future, I don't have to go back and ask her again.

I didn't record what I had done in my internship each day, but I did record my mood. Sometimes I would bring my cell phone with me to my site. After I got off and got down to the lobby, I would use the camera and talked about my feeling and ... Right, silly stuffs.// It's mad fun when I watch them afterward :p

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Week of Internship

Yay! Only few more hours then I'll finish this week's internship.

Congrat to myself, doing pretty fine this week. Love my worksite, love the people, love my job!

I actually just met my mentor MELOOOOODY once, she's Carol's sister and she was really fond to me. She introduced me to all the ladies in Spring OB/GYN. It's a obsterics and gynecology (only for women) clinic in SOHO, I love the neiborhood sooooo much!!! The office is in the 2nd level. It's a really warm place to work. I love the environment since the first time and I knew and felt that I would be a part of this site. My co-workers are like my sisters and friends. I forgot almost all of their names on the 2nd day, but they were glad to introduce themselves to me again:)

Well, I don't have my own room and own desk. I mainly pull charts and do filing works so far. There're 2 main file rooms in my worksite. Once I got any messages from the front desk I have to pull the patient's chart and clip the message on it and give it to the indicated doctor. After the doctors done with the files I had to put them back. I also have to fax prescription to pharmacies and other doctors from different hospitals.

One of the people from front desk--Kristin, told me yesterday that she will teach me the insurance which is really important if I have to pick up the phone and answer the patients whether their insurance work in our clinic. And that's also what I want to experience during my internship. These skills are really important if I want to work as a part time in other clinics in the future. Of course, I also want to gain more informations on the medical field. Which I already got some yesterday by chatting to one my co-worker about her working experience. I have to communicate more with the doctors and the people work there!