Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Week of Internship

Yay! Only few more hours then I'll finish this week's internship.

Congrat to myself, doing pretty fine this week. Love my worksite, love the people, love my job!

I actually just met my mentor MELOOOOODY once, she's Carol's sister and she was really fond to me. She introduced me to all the ladies in Spring OB/GYN. It's a obsterics and gynecology (only for women) clinic in SOHO, I love the neiborhood sooooo much!!! The office is in the 2nd level. It's a really warm place to work. I love the environment since the first time and I knew and felt that I would be a part of this site. My co-workers are like my sisters and friends. I forgot almost all of their names on the 2nd day, but they were glad to introduce themselves to me again:)

Well, I don't have my own room and own desk. I mainly pull charts and do filing works so far. There're 2 main file rooms in my worksite. Once I got any messages from the front desk I have to pull the patient's chart and clip the message on it and give it to the indicated doctor. After the doctors done with the files I had to put them back. I also have to fax prescription to pharmacies and other doctors from different hospitals.

One of the people from front desk--Kristin, told me yesterday that she will teach me the insurance which is really important if I have to pick up the phone and answer the patients whether their insurance work in our clinic. And that's also what I want to experience during my internship. These skills are really important if I want to work as a part time in other clinics in the future. Of course, I also want to gain more informations on the medical field. Which I already got some yesterday by chatting to one my co-worker about her working experience. I have to communicate more with the doctors and the people work there!