Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary

Just few more vocabulary :D

1. Word / Phrase: Obstetrics

Meaning: the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother

Context: Obstetrics is an important brance of medicine that helps pregnant women.

2. Word / Phrase: Sonogram

Meaning: a test one using sound waves which can show various internal structures. Sonograms are commonly used to examine unborn babies.

Context: Pregnant women can see their babies' situation through sonogram.

3. Word / Phrase: Encounter

Meaning: appointment paper

Context: I had to organized the encounter every day at my site.

4. Word / Phrase: OB

Meaning:stands for pregnant patients/lab

Context: The OB charts are separate from the normal patients'charts.

5. Word / Phrase: Gynecology

Meaning: the branch of medicine that deals with the disease and hygiene of women

Context: Women should do check-ups annualy in gynecology clinics.

6. Word / Phrase: Pap Smear

Meaning: A screening test to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample(smear) of cells from the cervix

Context: Pap Smear can help to detect cancer as soon as possible.

7. Word / Phrase: Charts

Meaning: patients'records

Context: I had to clip messages on patients' charts and give up to the doctors.

8. Word / Phrase: prospect

Meaning: possibility, chance

Context: I have to consider prospect of being a fool if I cannot complete my homework for the second consecutive week.

9. Word / Phrase: sluggish

Meaning: lazy, inactive

Context: Sometimes being sluggish isn't a bad thing to do.

10. Word / Phrase: winsome

Meaning: charming, happily engaging

Context: A winsome smile from my crush could made my day.

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